SCEI Population Health ResearchDecades of research led by SCEI founding director Dr. Rohit Varma and his research team has made clear the growing risk of vision impairment and blindness. They estimate that a growing number of Americans ages 40 and older will experience eye disease. Women, Latinos, and other minorities are predicted be affected most.
Uncorrected Visual Acuity in Americans Age 40+
Vision Impaired or Blind Americans Age 40+
Major long-term eye health studies among various populations have shown that eye disease presents differently for people of various heritages and ethnicities. The risk of vision problems and blindness from lack of eye care and various diseases is alarming.
Findings from AFEDS, the largest study of eye health and disease among U.S. African Americans.
Findings from LALES, the largest study of eye health and disease among U.S. Latinos.
Findings from CHES the largest study of eye health and disease among U.S. Chinese Americans Population health findings by Dr. Varma and his team are important to creating policies and programs that can begin to make more complete vision care available to all Americans. Everyone – and especially those at higher risk – should have a complete eye exam by a specialist every year. Knowing your risk for eye disease and receiving proper care is the most important step you can take to preserve your eyesight. |