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SCEI Scientific and Clinical Studies

Studies conducted by SCEI researchers include many fields related to understanding how eye disease develops and the most effective ways to detect and treat it.


SCEI genetics researchers seek to understand how the genes we inherit affect our vision and conditions that can lead to eye problems. Studies range from eye structure, such as corneal thickness, to development of Type 2 diabetes. Genetic research into ancestry also supports population health research.

Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

SCEI AI researchers are exploring the use of artificial intelligence to see patterns or markers in large data sets that can help us detect eye disease earlier and develop advanced treatments. AI systems are being developed or in use for detecting diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and glaucoma.


SCEI imaging researchers are at the forefront of developing and enhancing ways to see tiny blood vessels in the eye that can be used to diagnose damage to the optic nerve from glaucoma. This advanced technology known as optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA), is providing new knowledge about how glaucoma progresses so it can be detected and treated earlier.


SCEI bioelectronics researchers are leaders in applying advanced technology to innovate glaucoma treatment. Efforts include tiny implantable devices that continuously monitor and report inner eye pressure, pumps that automatically deliver medicine, and flexible stents that drain excess eye fluid to reduce pressure.

Novel Treatments

One example of how SCEI research has led to novel treatments is the XEN® Glaucoma Treatment System, a flexible drainage stent implanted in the eye. In one of the pivotal clinical trials led by Dr. Rohit Varma, patients’ eye pressure decreased by 44 percent, and 65 percent no longer required eye-pressure medication one year after the device was implanted.